Tuesday, 22/02/2022 (18:00) Webinar registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dKcF1nm4STevzEc9WIxgJw
Wednesday 15/12/2021 (12:00-18:00) and Thursday 16/12/2021 (12:00-18:30). Webinar registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Y8FZaYsrTBex-YVCp6kt_g
13/12/2021 (11:00-17:45) and 14/12/2021 (11:00-17:45) Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lDwOuWMqRwKR7NuFT2slUA
9/12/2021 | 9:30-15:30 Webinar Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oJ_GUiNzQe6HRVW4wekG1w
30/11/2021, 18:00 Webinar Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tRFzLlIlT_yEbhwq5KJHow
Poster seminar
In order to participate: https://forms.gle/y1FMDPaDD155WCFA6 Programm Webinar Booklet
You are invited to submit a paper for possible inclusion in the 2021 issue of the Hellenic Review of European Law. The annual foreign language issue is the international edition of the Hellenic Review of European Law published since 2004 by CIEEL and the Thessaloniki Bar Association. The journal publishes original scientific papers in English, […]
The Centre of International and European Economic Law participates as a partner in the Erasmus+ programme titled Democracy and Media Freedom (DEMEDIA – ID:2020-3-BG01-KA105-094882EDIA) which is already in place and organised under the auspices of the Human resource development centre – HRDC, Bulgaria) by the Public Policy Institute (PPIF). The University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola […]