We are pleased to announce that the Greek book by Ch. Deliyanni-Dimitrakou / A.-M. Konsta entitled “European and comparative law of non-discrimination: fundamental concepts – grounds of discrimination” as well as its French translation “Droit européen et comparé de non-discrimination : notions fondamentales et motifs de discrimination” have been posted in the repository of the […]
Speaker: Dimitris Kyriazis Assistant Professor at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, DPhil (Oxon) Monday 09.09.2024, time 18:00 at the Centre of International and European Economic Law, Amphitheater “D. Evrygenis (Ikaron 1, Kalamaria – Thessaloniki)
Speaker: Associate Professor I. Ktistakis Judge of the European Court of Human Rights Monday 22/4/2024, at 18:30 Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Tsimiski 29 Invitation [GR] Poster [GR] Video [GR]
Jean Monnet (Εrasmus+) “Intellectual Property Protection in the EU: Contemporary Challenges and Prospects”: «Intellectual Property Protection in the EU: Challenges and Prospects» 13 December (14:00-18:30), 14 December (12:00-16:00) and 15 December (14:00-17:30). webinar link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lECvG-XPT_qtgfEQjlMahg Poster Progmam
The Centre of International and European Economic Law participates as a partner in the Erasmus+ programme titled Democracy and Media Freedom (DEMEDIA – ID:2020-3-BG01-KA105-094882EDIA) which is already in place and organised under the auspices of the Human resource development centre – HRDC, Bulgaria) by the Public Policy Institute (PPIF). The University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola […]
24/11/2022 (16:40-20:00), 25/11/2022 (9:50-16:45) and 26/11/2022 (11:00-14:00). link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DRYfOPdmRL6EsgXnR1J1QQ Program Poster
Cérémonie de remise des Mélanges en l’honneur de M. Vassilios Skouris Professeur Emérite de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université Aristote de Thessalonique Ancien Président de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne Vendredi le 14 octobre 2022 à 18.h Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Thessalonique Rue Tsimiski 29 Invitation- Programme
The Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) – State Aid Unit (MoKE) and the Hellenic Association for European Law have organized the “Athens EU State Aid Conference 2022: Key Issues for Greece”, that took place on Thursday, June 23rd, 2022, at the “Ioannis Drakopoulos” Amphitheater, University of Athens (Main Building, 30 Panepistimiou st.). Conor Quigley QC delivered […]
Tuesday, 10/05/2022, 11:30 and Wednesday, 11/05/2022, 12:30. Seminar link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5inVLQufR7q_gdEYtfNiHg
Wednesday, 30/03/ 2022, 11:30 and Thursday, 31 /2022, 12:00 Seminar link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9DutOqV5QTe1DDV7QNXAyw