Obiter dicta in direct actions before the
European Union courts
Obiter dicta in direct actions before the
European Union courts
The relationship of the UK and the EU after
Brexit: an amicable divorce?
Legal bilateralism in the migration process in
the Mediterranean – the case of Greece
The EU agencies policy and field coordination
in view of the migration managemenτ
The nature of Article 80 TFEU – The notion
of solidarity in the EU migration and asylum
EU-Turkey joint statement: a critical
assessment of the CJEU’s judgment
How do the PECL and the DCFR reflect
English, French, German and Greek legal
systems with regard to contract formation by
means of offer and acceptance?
Les aspects juridiques de la crise économique
de la Grèce
The right to freedom of expression in the
digital environment: restrictions of freedom
of expression and the balancing of rights in the
U.S. and the European legal framework
Disruptive technologies, industry 4.0 and the
constitution of a regulatory framework: the
functionality of EU’s regulatory paradigm
L’interdiction du port du voile intégral dans
l’espace public sous l’angle du droit de la nondiscrimination: Une étude comparée
La Charte Sociale Européenne à la lumiere
du droit syndical et du droit de négociation
Employee’s right to privacy under article 8
La protection européenne de la maternité
contre les licenciements (à l’occasion de
l’arrêt de la Cour de Justice Porras Guisado)
Genetic screening of donors in assisted reproduction: legal and ethical issues