The rights of equality in European social law
The rights of equality in European social law
The control of the implementation of Security Council Resolutions: Certain developments on EC and national level
European institutional framework and health policy
1. Judgment of 8.11.2005 (Götz Leffler / Berlin Chemie AG, C-443/03), Notes N. A. Papasteriadou
service of judicial and extrajudicial documents (Reg. (EC) 1348/2000) – no translation of the document
2. Judgment of 31.1.2006 (Commission of the European Communities / Kingdom of Spain, C-503/03), Notes A. Tsadiras
freedom of movement for persons – Directive 64/221/EC – right of entry and stay – Schengen Information System – registration in the persona non grata list
Cases October – December 2005
Review of cases January – June 2004
Supreme Special Court
Judgment 20/2005, Notes A. P. Pouggoura
Court of Audit – ex ante control of high value public procurement
The first steps of information technology law in Greece and CIEEL’s contribution
Proposal for an EU Regulation on the reduction of international roaming costs
Legislative regulation of the presence of doctors on the internet. Telemedicine?
The Beijing syndrome in the Internet
Databases and libraries: the creation and use of databases in libraries
Conference: Money laundering. Issues for lawyers and notaries respectively
A. Kontis / I. Petrakou / N. Tatsis / N. Chlepas, European and Hellenic asylum policy, Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers whose application has been rejected, Publ. Papazissis, Athens, 2005 (D. Papagiannis)
T. Nikolopoulos, Environment and competition in Community Law: In the constellation of «ecocom-petition». Preface G. Papadimitriou, Law+Nature, Library of Environmental Law – 16, Publ. A. N. Sakkoulas, Athens – Komotini, 2005 (K. Gogos)
F. Snyder (sous la direction de), Enlargement and the New Europe after 2004 / L’élargissement et la nouvelle Europe après 2004, Travaux Du Ceric, Collection dirigée par Jacques Bourrinet, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2005 (Α. Π. Πούγγουρα)
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