The application of free movement of goods and competition rules in pharmaceutical market (Expert’s opinion)
The application of free movement of goods and competition rules in pharmaceutical market (Expert’s opinion)
The role of national Parliaments in the institutional architecture of EU-Proposals in the framework of the European Convention
The framework for the exercise of the European Community external commercial policy from the point of view of the EC case-law
The judgment of the ECJ on the implementation field of the ne bis in idem principle according 59 of the convention implementing the Schengen Agreement
Towards the legal emancipation of the citizenship of the European Union (Apropos of the ECJ judgment of 17.9.2002, C-378/00, Baumbast and R/Secretary of State for the Home Department)
The protection of fundamental rights in a european space of liberty, security and justice, in view of the deliberations of the Convention for the «Constitutional Treaty»
Once again «comitology»: The executive powers of the Commission of the European Communities (Apropos of the ECJ judgment of 23.1.2003, case C-378/00, Commission / European Parliament and Council)
1. Judgment of 17.9.2002 (Baumbast and R/Secretary of State of the Home Department, C-413/99)
free movement of persons – migrant worker -rights of residence and studies of members of his family – Regulation (EEC) 1612/68 – Directive 90/304/EEC – citizenship of the EU
2. Judgment of 9/1/2003 (Davidoff and CIE SA, Zino Davidoff SA/Gofkid Ltd, C-292/00), Notes B.P. Gaki
trade marks with a reputation – Directive 89/104/CEE
3. Judgment of 21.1.2003 (Commission of the European Communities / European Parliament and Council EU, C-378/00)
«comitology» – Council decision 1999/468/CE – Regulation (CE) 1655/2000 – LIFE
4. Judgment of 6.2.2003 (G. Stylianakis / Eliniko Dimosio, C-92/01), Notes N. A. Papasteriadou
European citizenship (art. 8A EC, now 18 EC) – free movement of services (art. 59 EC, now 49 EC) – airport tax – discrimination – Regulation (EEC) 2048/92
5. Judgment of 11.2.2003 (Hüseyin Gözütok and Klaus Brügge, C-187/01 and C-385/01)
Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement – principle ne bis in idem – discontinuity of criminal proceedings by decision of the Public Prosecutor, without the involvement of a court
Cases October – December 2002
Cases July – September 2001
Areios Pagos
Judgment 2/2003 (Plenary), Notes P.S. Yiannopoulos
nationality of legal person – foreign company – art. 10 CC, law 89/67 art. 1, 2
Administrative District Court of Athens
Judgment 7287/2001, Notes G.I. Matsos
free movement of services (art. 49 EC, ex art. 59 EC) – treatment in another state member UE
«Honor Dimitrios Evrigenis» Conference E. Venizelos: The future european constitution as the basis for a new european political civilization
Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the European Court of Justice
Seminar on state aids
Human Rights, International Connentions Binding Greece, Editors: Christiana Bourloyianni-Vraïla and Eleni Petroula, Foreword: Prof. Aliki Yiotopoulou-Maragopoulou, Institute Maragopoulou on Human Rights, Publ. Nomiki Vivliothiki 2002 (G. Papadimitriou)
Kostas D. Zepos (editor), The future of Europe and Turkey, Bubl. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens-Komotini 2002 (P. Naskou-Perraki)
K. Katsibardis, International Law in climate change, Foreword: P. Patronos, Publ. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens-Komotini 2002 (S. Pantzali)
Giorgios N. Yiannopoulos, Flow of information on the Internet, Technologie and legal rules, Foreword: E.N. Protonotarios, Publ. Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2002 (B.P. Gaki)
The collaborators of this issue