The evolution of the academic debate on legal transplants and its relevance for the European harmonisation process
EU restrictive measures (sanctions): the recent harmonisation of the criminal treatment of breaches
of sanctions (Directive (EU) 2024/1226)
Mutual recognition – mutual trust: consolidating the tools of criminal judicial cooperation within
the EU
Α. Review of Jurisprudence CJEU – GCEU (December 2023 – February 2024)
Β. Annotations CJEU – GCEU
CJEU C-588/21 P, Public.Resource.Org and Right to Know/Commission and Others, 05.03.2024
(Right of access to original harmonised standards) – Annotation E. Tzoulia
CJEU C-252/22, Societatea Civilă Profesională de Avocaţi Plopeanu & Ionescu, 11.01.2024
(Public access to justice in environmental matters within the EU legal order) – Annotation K.
CJEU C-752/22, EP (Éloignement d’un résident de longue durée), 14.03.2024 (Long-term resident alien staying illegally on the territory of a second Member State: when is he/she expelled
and how is he/she protected?) – Annotation P. Paschalidis
CJEU C-621/21, Intervyuirasht organ na DAB pri MS (Femmes victimes de violences domestiques), 16.01.2024 (Women victims of gender-based violence are eligible for refugee status under Directive 2011/95/EU) – Annotation O. Michalopoulou
CJEU C-61/22, Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden, 21.03.2024 (Τhe inclusion of a facial image
and two fingerprints in the storage medium of identity cards) – Annotation V.-E. Gkeka
A. Review of Jurisprudence (November 2023 – January 2024)
B. Annotation
ECHR, Applications Nos 71555/12 and 48256/13, O.G. and Others v. Greece, 23.01.2024 (Protection of private life and personal data of (vulnerable) HIV-positive people) – Annotation E. Ekmektsoglou
Council of State (Section E), Judgment No 100/2024, 22.01.2024 (Trial within a reasonable time) –
Annotation L. Papagiannopoulou
Twinning Programme with North Macedonia “Further strengthening the capacities for effective
implementation of the acquis in the field of industrial pollution” (MK 20 IPA EN 02 22) – Fourth
meeting of the Steering Committee
Ι. Books CIEEL 2024 – A