Hellenic Review of European Law (HREL)

Τhe Hellenic Review of European Law is published by CIEEL and the Thessaloniki Bar Association, since 1981. Founder and first director was the memorable Professor, Dimitrios Evrigenis. The Review contains articles and issues of the european law in general, european integration, protection of human rights and international economic law. Since 2004 has been appeared a fifth issue of the Hellenic Review of European Law (International Edition).


Public Procurement – State Aid and Market

The law journal “Public Procurement – State Aid and Market” – DiSKE & Agora is published by the Centre of International and European Economic Law and its special Units, the Public Procurement Monitoring Unit, the State Aid Monitoring Unit and the Energy Law Unit since the beginning of 2004.

This law journal is issued in 3 volumes per year and includes specialised reviews, articles, decisions of community and national courts with annotation, bibliography as well as the legislative developments in Public European Economic Law (Public Procurement, PPPs, State Aid, Services of General Economic Interest, Public Competition Law, Deregulation of Markets, Energy, Transports, Telecommunications, Fiscal Law, Tax and Customs Law). Since 01.01.2009, the journal is also published electronically.


Centre of International and European Economic Law Library

The series «Centre of International and European Economic Law Library» has been envisaged as a contirbution to CIEEL’s academic field. This effort, includes monographies, collective works, case law or bibliography collections on the main academic fields of CIEEL.


Contemporary Texts

The purpose of the Contemporary Texts series is the systematic collection of news, commentaries and institutional acts that concern current issues, which influence the international and european position of Greece. Through these series, CIEEL uses its news documentation mechanism and its human resources in the best possible way. Due to its nature, the Contemporary Texts series is not regularly published.


Ιn Honor of Dimitrios Evrigenis

This special series publishes the annual academic lecture delivered in the “Honor of Dimitrios Evrigenis”.


Research Texts

The “Research Texts” series presents research studies carried out by the academic researchers of CIEEL as well as lectures held within the various academic events organized by CIEEL.


Working Papers

The Working Papers series’ purpose is the presentation of studies and paper collections on subjects of international and european law, international organizations and international protection of human rights. This series is published in english, french or german.


In brief

Since 1998, CIEEL has been publishing every month a four-page informative newsletter regarding its activities, which is sent free of charge to Ministries, public authorities, institutes, academics, judges, lawyers etc.

The newsletter also contains the most important developments concerning the European Union and the European Union law. The newsletter’s older edition was published until 2006. Its reissue in a renewed version started on December 2009 and it is now sent only in electronic form.

Volumes published up to April 2017 are available only in Greek.
Following volumes from May 2017 are available both in Greek and English.
