CIEEL’s Library has approximately 70.000 volumes in addition to 60 periodical subscriptions that cover its academic field in a variety of languages such as Greek, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Subjects covered include:

  • EU and national law
  • Constitutional law
  • Administrative law
  • International law
  • International human rights law
  • International environmental law
  • International economic law
  • Law of International Business Transactions

The library’s special collections are either in printed or electronic format:

A) Special Collection of the European Documentation Centre (EDC)
Since 1978, CIEEL has been designated as an official “European Documentation Centre”. As such, it regularly receives all official EU publications.

B) Special Collection of the publications of Council of Europe
The CIEEL library has all the publications of the European Court of Human Rights.

C) Special Collection of the United Nations publications.
The CIEEL library has all the publications of the International Court of Justice and the International Law Commission.


CIEEL’s Library appreciates the generosity of donors that offer their complete or partial collections of books.

Emeritus Professor Konstantinos Bougioukas, and the heirs of Professor Dimitrios Evrigenis, founder of CIEEL, have donated their complete library collection to CIEEL’s Library.

The heirs of Professor George Tenekidis and Professor Krateros Ioannou, former Chairman of CIEEL, as well as Emeritus Professor Phaedon Kozyris have donated part of their library collection to CIEEL’s Library.

Furthermore, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation has supported CIEEL’s Library with the contribution of mainly German, English and French books.


Since 1991 the Library Catalogue is electronic. In 2000 the Library acquired the HORIZON library system. Now it uses a HORIZON 7.3 Library Management System.

Useful Information

CIEEL’s Library does not operate as a lending one. All the library material is for reference only. A photocopy machine is available but copying is subjected to copyright restrictions.

Library users have access to a CD and Microfiche reader for older material and on line access to the catalogue in the reading room.