Η ταξινόμηση ακολουθεί αλφαβητική σειρά. Παρακαλούμε επιλέξτε ένα από τα γράμματα του αλφαβήτου.
Τίτλος | Χρονολογία |
Actualite Juridique Droit Administratif (L' ) | 2007-2011 |
American journal of comparative law (The) | 1952-2007 HeinOnline |
American journal of international law | 1960-2006 HeinOnline |
American Review of international arbitration (The) | -2005 |
Amtsblatt der Europaischen Gemeinschaften (EU) | 1952- |
Amtsblatt des Europaischen Patentamts | 1978-2006 |
Antitrust Bulletin (The) | 1955- |
Antitrust law journal | 1980-1996 HeinOnline |
Arbitration materials | 1989-1993 |
Assuntos Europeus | 1982-1985 |
Aussenpolitique | 1983-1998 |
Baurecht: Zeitschrift fur das gesamte offentliche und zivile Baurecht | 2010- |
Bulletin for international fiscal documentation | 1981-1998 |
Bulletin of international legal developments | 1980- |
Business Law Brief | 1979-1988 |
Business law review | 1992-1997 |
CADMOS | 1978-1993 |
Cahiers de droit europeen | 1978- |
California law review | 1997-2006 HeinOnline |
Capital University Law School | 1993-1997 |
Columbia human rights law review | 1990-2006 HeinOnline |
Columbia journal of transnational law | 1961- 2006 HeinOnline |
Columbia law review | 1996-2007 HeinOnline |
Commercial laws of Europe | 1978-2011 |
Common market law reports-Antitrust supplement | 1962-2001 |
Common market law review | 1963- |
Communita internationale (La) | 1979-1997 |
Community Report | 1984-1991 |
Computer law and security report (The) | 1999 - 2005 |
Computer und Recht | 1999-2011 |
Comunidad Europea | 1978-1984 |
Consumer law journal | 1993-1998 |
Contrats et marches publics | 2002- |
Contrats publics : l΄ actualite de la commande et des contrats publics | 2003- |
Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation | 2000- |
Cornell international law journal | 1996-2003 |
Cornell law review | 1994-2001 |
Crew Reports | 1982-1998 |
DDR Komitee fur Menschenrechte. Schriften und Informationen | 1975-1989 |
Defensor Pacis | 2005- |
Department of State Bulletin | 1984-1989 |
Dickinson journal of international law (νέος τίτλος Penn State International Law Review 2002-) | 1991-2001 |
Diritto del Commercio internazionale | 1987- |
Droit et affaires international CEE | 1982-1999 |
Droit et pratique du commerce international = International trade law and practice | 1977-1996 |
Droit polonais contemporain | 1977-1992 |
Droit social | 1987- |
DuD (Datenschutz und Datensicherheit) | 1999- |
Duke law journal | 1994-1996 |
Echos de l' Europe | 1986- |
EFTA Bulletin = EFTA Reporter | 1978-1988 |
EIPASCOPE | 1993-1997 |
Environmental policy and law | 1988-2011 |
ERA - Forum | 2003-2011 |
EU Magazin | 1981-1998 |
EURinfo | 1984- |
Europa : developpement | 1989-1993 |
Europa Archiv | 1946-1994 |
Europaische Grundrechte Zeitschrift | 1974-2012 |
Europaische Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht | 1990- |
Europaisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht | 1995-1996, 2004-2011 |
Europarecht | 1966- |
Europe (Agence Europe) | 1976- |
Europe : revue mensuelle (Editions du Juris-Classeur) | 1992- |
Europe en formation | 1981- 2006 |
Europe- (The) European Community news magazine | 1981-1989 |
Europe- magazine of (The) European Communities | 1984-1992 |
European access | 1989-2002 |
European Affairs | 1988-1991 |
European business law review | 1996-2012 |
European Business Organization Law Review | 2001-2002 |
European commercial cases | 1979-2001 |
European competition law review | 1980- |
European Consumer Protection and Product Liability Reporter | 1980-1981 |
European Court of Justice Reporter | 1982-1987 |
European current law | 1992-2011 |
European environment | 1996-2011 |
European Environment Review | 1987-1988 |
European environmental law review | 1996- |
European Human Rights Law Review | 2002- |
European human rights reports | 1979- |
European industrial relations review | 1981-1987 |
European intellectual property review | 1978- |
European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice | 2004-2011 |
European journal of international law = Journal europeen de droit international | 1990- |
European journal of international relations | 1995- |
European law digest | 1973-1991 |
European law journal | 1995-2012 |
European law review | 1976- |
European public law | 1995- |
European review of private law = Revue europeenne de droit prive | 1993 |
European security | 1995-1996 |
European state aid law quarterly | 2002- |
European taxation | 1981-1998 |
European transport law | 1971-2011 |
Evenement europeen: initiatives et debats (L') | 1988-1993 |
Fiscalite europeenne : revue | 1980-1987 |
Fordham international law journal | 1989 - 2006 HeinOnline |
Foreign affairs | 1984-1998 |
Foreign policy | 1993-1997 |
Foreign report | 1993-1995 |
Futuribles | 1995 - 2006 |
GDR Committee for human rights-Bulletin | 1975-1989 |
Georgetown journal of international law | 1969-2007 HeinOnline |
Georgetown journal of international law (προηγούμενος τίτλος Law and policy in international business 1969-2003) | 2004- |
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR International) | 1978- |
Greek economic review | 1979-1991 |
Harvard civil rights - Civil liberties law (The) | 1966- |
Harvard international law journal | 1959- |
Harvard international review | 1995 - 2006 |
Hellenic review of international relations | 1980-1986 |
Helsinki Monitor: quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe | 2002 - 2006 HeinOnline |
Human rights case digest | 1993 - 2005 HeinOnline |
Human rights law journal | 1979-2011 |
Human rights quarterly | 1981- |
Human Rights Journal = Revue des droits de l' homme | 1968-1975 |
International trade law and practice = Droit et pratique du commerce international | 1977-1996 |
ICSID Review : foreign investment law journal | 1988-1997 |
IIC International review of industrial property and copyright law | 1978 - 2006 |
IMF survey | 1982-1997 |
Index to foreign legal periodicals | 1989 - 2004 |
Index to legal periodicals | 1989 - 2005 HeinOnline |
Industrial property and copyright | 1978-1998 |
Integration | 1983-2012 |
Intellectual property laws and treaties | 1998- |
International affairs | 1991 |
International and comparative law quarterly (The) | 1952- |
International business lawyer | 1973-1998 |
International Children' s Rights Monitor | 2000-2001 |
International economy (The) | 1993 - 2007 |
International financial law review | 1980-1997 |
International journal of children's rights | 2002-2011 |
International journal of legal information | 1978 - 2006 HeinOnline |
International journal on minority and group rights | 1993 - 2005 HeinOnline |
International labour review | 1978- |
International lawyer (The) | 1966-2001 |
International legal materials | 1962 - 2007 HeinOnline |
International litigation procedure | 1990 - 2007 |
International Organization | 1978-2011 |
International Peacekeeping (από το 2001 εκδίδεται ως Yearbook) = International Peacekeeping (since 2001 published as Yearbook) | 1995-2000 |
International review of law and economics | 1981- |
International social science journal | 1982 - 2005 |
Internationale politik : Europa archiv | 1995-1997 |
IPRAX | 1981- |
Ireland Today | 1979-1985 |
Italia e l' Europa (L') | 1979-1980 |
Journal europeen de droit international = European journal of international law | 1990- |
John Marshall journal of computer and information law (The) | 1994-1999 |
Journal des Tribunaux | 1982- |
Journal des Tribunaux droit europeen | 1993- |
Journal du droit international | 1974-2012 |
Journal of American Arbitration (The) | -2007 |
Journal of business law (The) | 1957-1997 |
Journal of common market studies | 1962-2012 |
Journal of Comparative Corporate Law and Securities Regulation | 1979-1986 |
Journal of Contemporary European Research | 2005- Online στη Βιβλιοθήκη |
Journal of European integration history | 1995 - 2005 |
Journal of international arbitration | 1984- |
Journal of international money and finance | 1983-1998 |
Journal of law and economics (The) | 1958-2006 HeinOnline |
Journal of reprints for antitrust law and economics (The) | 1979-1997 |
Journal of the American Society for information science | 1978-1992 |
Journal of the Irish Society for European Law | 1977-1984 |
Journal of world trade law, economics, public policy | 1967-2011 |
Journal officiel des Communautes europeennes (EU) | 1958- |
Journal of european integration = Revue d' integration europeen | 1977-1997 |
Keesing's record of world events | 1992 - 2007 |
Labour law documents | 1990-1995 |
Law and contemporary problems | 1981- |
Law and Legislation in the German Democratic Rebublic | 1981-1988 |
Law and policy in international business (επόμενος τίτλος Georgetown journal of international law 2004-) | 1969-2003 |
Law librarian-Bulletin of (The) British and Irish Law Association (The) | 1981-2000 |
Law library journal | 1980-1992 |
Law quarterly review (The) | 1981-2012 |
Legal Information Management | 2001- 2006 |
Legal issues of Economic Integration | 1974-2012 |
Legislative series: selection of labour and social security legislation | 1980-1988 |
Leiden journal of international law | 1995-2012 |
Library Manager | 1994/1995 |
Maastricht journal of european and comparative law | 1994-2012 |
Modern law review (The) | 1980-2012 |
Moniteur des travaux publics et du batiment (Le) | 2000-2001 |
Multimedia und Recht | 1999-2001 |
Mediterranean peoples = Peuples mediterraneens | 1981-1997 |
Natur und Recht | 2010- |
Netherlands international law review | 1973-2011 |
Netherlands quarterly of human rights | 1991-2011 |
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) | 1985- |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Baurecht und Vergaberecht (NZBau) | 2010- |
Neue Zeitschrift fur Verwaltungsrecht | 2008- |
New York University law review | 1996- |
Nordic journal of international law | 1995-2011 |
Northwestern journal of international law and business | 1983-2002 |
Ocean Development and international law | 1985 - 2006 |
Officiel Journal of the European Communities (EU) | 1978- |
ORBIS a journal of world affairs | 1982-1997 |
Penn State international law review (προηγούμενος τίτλος Dickinson journal of international law 1991-2001) | 2002-2006 HeinOnline |
Perceptions: Journal of international affairs | 2002- |
Persona y derecho | 1980-1999 |
Peuples mediterraneens = Mediterranean peoples | 1981-1997 |
Politique etrangere | 1981-2006 |
Pouvoirs | 1982-2011 |
Problemes economiques | 1981-2007 |
Problemes politiques et sociaux | 1981-2007 |
Public international law : a current bibliography of articles | 1989-2005 |
Public procurement law review | 1993- |
Revue europeenne de droit prive = European review of private law | 1993 |
Rabels Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und International Privatrecht | 1927-2011 |
Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (R.I.W.) | 1958-2011 |
Recueil Dalloz sirey | 1985- |
Recueil de la jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice de la Communaute europeenne | 1954- |
Relations internationales | 1985- |
Reports of cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities | 1954- |
Review - International Commission of Jurists (The) | 1969-2000 |
Review of European Community and international environmental law | 1994- |
Revista de instituciones europeas | 1981-1992 |
Revista Espanola de derecho international | 1978-1996 |
Revue belge de droit international | 1965-2011 |
Revue critique de droit international prive | 1966- |
Revue de droit international et de droit compare | 1978-2011 |
Revue de droit uniform = Uniform law review | 1947-2011 |
Revue de la concurrence et de la Consommation | 1982- |
Revue de l' arbitrage | 1955-2011 |
Revue de politique internationale | 1982-1991 |
Revue des affaires europeenes | 1992-2012 |
Revue des droits de l' homme = Human Rights Journal | 1968-1975 |
Revue des societes | 1980-2011 |
Revue du droit de l' Union europeenne | 1991- |
Revue du droit public | 1982- |
Revue du marche commun et de l' Union europeenne | 1958- |
Revue d' etudes Palestinnes | 1981-1987 |
Revue d' integration europeen = Journal of european integration | 1977-1997 |
Revue europeenne de droit de la consommation | 1991- |
Revue francaise de droit administratif | 1994-2011 |
Revue francaise de droit constitutionnel | 1990-2011 |
Revue francaise de science politique | 1982- |
Revue francaise des affaires sociales | 1981- |
Revue generale de droit international public | 1978- |
Revue hellenique de droit international | 1948- |
Revue international de droit economique | 1989-2012 |
Revue internationale de droit compare | 1949- |
Revue juridique de l'environnement | 1995- |
Revue politique et parlementaire | 1982- |
Revue suisse du droit international de la concurrence | 1978-1986 |
Revue Tiers-Monde | 1981-2006 |
Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit economique | 1950- |
Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen | 1965- |
Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme | 1990- |
Revue Universelle des droits de l'homme | 1989-2011 |
Rivista di diritto europeo | 1961-1998 |
Rivista di diritto internazionale | 1987-2011 |
Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale | 1965-2011 |
Rivista di studi politici internazionali | 1987-2000 |
Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario | 1994-2011 |
Sammlung der Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofes der Europaischen Gemeinschaften (EU) | 1954- |
SchiedsVZ: Zeitschrift fur Schiedsverfahren = German Arbitration Journal | 2006 |
Semaine juridique (La) : Cahiers de droit de l'entreprise | 1988-2011 |
Semi-annual report for (The) Balkans | 1994-1997 |
Sociaal-economische wetgeving (S.E.W.) tijdschrift voor economisches recht | 1987-1998 |
Studia diplomatica | 1985-1998 |
Tax news service | 1981-1998 |
Temps modernes (Les) | 1983-2007 |
Texas international law journal | 1965-1993 |
Thesis | 1997-1999 |
Trade and development | 1979-1985 |
Transeuropeennes | 1993-1995 |
Tulane European and civil law forum | 1994-2007 HeinOnline |
Uniform law review = Revue de droit uniform | 1947-2011 |
UNITED NATIONS : (The) CTC reporter | 1983, 1991 |
UNITED NATIONS : Current bibliographical information | 1983-1993 |
UNITED NATIONS : Monthly bibliography : P.I books, official | 1983-1995 |
UNITED NATIONS : Monthly bibliography : P.II selected articles | 1983-1995 |
UNITED NATIONS : Transnational corporations | 1992-1995 |
UNITED NATIONS : UN chronicle | 1983-1995 |
University of Pennsylvania journal of international economic business law | 1987-1998 |
US department of state dispatch | 1991-1994 |
Vanderbilt journal of transnational law | 1968-2007 HeinOnline |
Vergaberecht | 2007- |
Virginia journal of international law | 1960-2005 HeinOnline |
WIPO Magazine | 1998- |
Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb | 1978- |
Wirtschafts Recht | 1978-1994 |
Women at work | 1984-1988 |
World competition | 1987-1996 |
World policy journal | 1985- |
World Trade and Arbitration Materials | 2007- |
World trade materials | 1993-1997 |
World trade review: economics, law, international institutions | 2004-2012 |
Yale journal of international law (The) | 1987-2007 HeinOnline |
Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches Offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht | 1962- |
Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und internationales Arbeits und Sozialrecht | 1991- |
Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht | 1979-2012 |
Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Privatrecht | 1993-2012 |
Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Umwelt - und Planungsrecht (EurUP) | 2003-2011 |
Zeitschrift fur Europarechtliche Studien | 1998-2012 |
Zeitschrift fur Luft und Weltraumrecht | 1982-2011 |
Zeitschrift fur Staats- und Europawissenschaften | 2004-2012 |
Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft | 1995- |
Zeitschrift zur Rechts und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in den Staaten Mittel und Osteuropas (Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa) | 1998-2012 |
ZUM-RD Rechtsprechungsdienst: Zeitschrift fur Urheber - und Medienrecht | 2006- |
ZUM: Zeitschrift fur Urheber - und Medienrecht | 2006- |